I realized that I haven't updated you guys on things lately. That's mainly because the kids are out of school and we are making the most of this summer. This will likely happen every summer until my kids are too old to want to hang out with momma.
Now, I want to let you in on a little secret. I'm actually a rather private person. I find social media-ing hard. I find instagram-ing and twitter-ing hard. I find this blog hard. I would much rather live in the moment and enjoy what it is that is happening in front of me when it is happening instead of taking a bunch of pictures or live facebook videos or whatever to show everyone else. I have to force myself to do those things. Do you know how many birthday parties for my kids or family get togethers or friends hangouts that I've attended and forgot to take a single photo or remembered the camera after half of the people had already left? More than I can count. Yeah, I'm pretty terrible and this stuff. So why do want to force myself to do this anyway? Well, to stay relevant. To remain in people's minds and they don't forget about me. I still have something to sell and I don't want them to forget that. Do I want to shove it in people's faces that I am running a little business that sells a few things? No, of course not, but I want them to remember that when they need something I have, they will think of me. That isn't really the ONLY reason, but it is the main one. I have a lot of friends and family that worry about me and wonder how I am doing. It is way easier to update everyone on a single post rather than answering everyone's questions individually.
I have a lot of ambitions with this website. I want to help people. I have a lot of life experiences and mistakes to work off of. That is one of the things I liked about bartending. Sometimes people just needed an ear and I was more than happy to give it. But gosh darn it, it's hard to give advise when no one is asking it. I want to make tutorials and teach people stuff, but first I have to figure out what it is people want to learn. Yeah, this is stuff I need to work on.
OK, if you are still with me, I will give you an update on the cancer stuffs. My last scan was memorial weekend and I know I never gave an update on the results. Well, that is because the results weren't as spectacular as I had hoped. The hot spots are still there. Boo. My next scan is Aug 10th and I'm hoping everything will still be the same...or maybe gone, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm honestly not that worried about it.
I will wrap this up with my advise to you. Live in the moment. There's no need to show off or try to impress others. Live for you and your happiness because whether you like it or not, you are stuck with you for the rest of your life. Why would you not treat yourself like your own best friend? But don't forget to love others as well. Treat them how you want to be treated and let go of those who poison your life and happiness.
That is all. <3