We are only a couple weeks into 2018 and it has already been very eventful. Besides having a very good scan, my youngest just turned 6! I submitted him to Fox 6 Milwaukee's "Look Who's 6" segment and they squeezed him in on the 8th despite his birthday being on the 11th. See the clip below:
For Evan's birthday, we took our annual trip to Mt. Olympus in Wisconsin Dells with my friend Melissa and her 2 boys. It was a great time as usual, and with free food and drinks all day, the trip was well worth it.
And with all of the excitement of the first couple weeks, we also had a loss. My grandmother, the last one I have, my mother's mother, passed away on the 9th. She was 88 years old. I'm not sure of her exact cause of death, but I feel she just gave up. She was diagnosed with colon cancer last year, and even though after surgery her prognosis was good, she was unhappy. She wanted to be home. When she was recovering in the hospital, she fell and broke her hip while attempting to use the bathroom and was sent to additional surgery to repair it. She couldn't walk and was unable to return home. She had to be put into a senior care facility to be cared for and ended back into the hospital for various reasons several times after that. She started having anxiety issues. At least when we visited her for Christmas she was alert and happy to see her grandchildren and great grandchildren. I have since welcomed her cat to my family. She will be greatly missed.