Well, we are off and running. I have 2 new videos up on YouTube if you haven't seen them. My plan is to try to get up at least one video a week that will be either a tutorial or just a time-lapse production video. Mind you, 1 video a week is my planned minimum. I am hoping time will allow to do more than that, but I don't want to have over lofty goals just starting out. I already have a list of things I want to do, so there shouldn't be any shortage of content anytime soon. Well, check em out, gimme feedback, and I will get better!
Heart Shaped Box production video:
Celtic knot tutorial video:
Hey kiddos! So I'm starting a new video series on YouTube called Miaka Makes. I already have a upload schedule planned out, but if you have any requests or suggestions, I'd love to hear em!